How to choose bathroom cabinets:color and texture tips


Color in the bathroom is of the ultimate importance. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you look at bathroom cabinet colors:
Rules of thumb. Lighter-colored cabinets will reflect the light. They’ll generally help to make the space look bigger — a huge help for small, dark bathrooms — and airy. On the other hand, a dark-colored cabinet will absorb the light, creating a smaller-looking space.
Colors that contrast. If you have a big bathroom, don’t be afraid to go with a cabinet color that contrasts the wall color, for example, It will break up the expansive space. If you want to make a smaller bathroom look bigger, however, go with similar colors. It will unify the look of the room.
Warm and pastel colors play a specific role. They reflect light and the cabinet will look like it’s closer to the viewer, as well as larger. These warm colors can be used alongside white, which will offset the impact of the cabinet color.
Cool colors do the opposite. They will make the cabinet appear as if it’s receding into the room, creating a more expansive space.
Natural light rules. If you’re fortunate to have a window in the bathroom, you’ll have to play by the rules of natural light. Light coming from the west and south will be warm, while light coming from the east and north will be cool. In both cases, the light can complement or contrast your bathroom cabinets.

Keep these texture rules in mind when choosing your cabinets:
Even a smooth texture is still a texture. You can play around with texture in your bathroom by offsetting a smooth bathroom cabinet with decorative items that add texture.
On the other hand, installing a show-stopping, textured vanity that’s surrounded by less-fussy features.
A bathtub will act as a smooth texture because it naturally has to be easy to clean and resist water. Therefore, its surfaces will be smooth and hard.
You can contrast smooth elements by using matte-finish cabinets, flooring, or walls.
Opt for smooth-textured finishes around the bathroom, including the cabinets, and then use decorative items like rugs to bring in texture.
Texture and pattern go hand-in-hand. For example, oak cabinets on the vanity with a pronounced grain are a great way to add texture to the space.
Go for a subdued texture with maple cabinets, which have a smoother grain than oak. Alternatively, you can choose bathroom cabinets that are antiqued or have a faux finish to bring in some texture that has more of a pattern than a cabinet that’s painted a solid color.
The more texture, the less space. Keep in mind that as you add texture to the room, it will increase what’s going on visually in the space. That means it will look busier and make the room look smaller. Carefully choose where to make a statement with texture.
Playing with color and texture can help you make a dramatic statement in the bathroom. Dial it back a little bit and these elements can boost the room’s warmth and appeal.

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