Introduction to the usability and process of solid wood bathroom cabinet


Solid wood is mild to the touch, visually high-grade, and has natural, environmentally friendly, original aesthetic effects. The products produced with it are natural, simple, or elegant, and can fully reflect the dignity of the owner and the pursuit of the home environment. There are three or six solid wood bathroom cabinets. Different grades of solid wood materials perform differently in environments with high water content. For example, oak has high density, solid and durable, and good quality. It is used as a bathroom cabinet for anti-corrosion and is not easy to absorb water. Isolate the shower room from other areas. Do not try to splash water into the solid wood bathroom cabinet while taking a bath. Keep the space dry. For fear of cracking solid wood bathroom cabinets, measures can be taken according to actual conditions. Introduction to the production process of solid wood bathroom cabinets What is the manufacturing process of solid wood bathroom cabinets? What techniques will be used when making solid wood bathroom cabinets? The following editors will introduce them one by one. We have seen a lot of solid wood bathroom cabinets, all kinds, white, black, pure wood grain, carved, painted, waxed, etc., but do you want to know how such a beautiful bathroom cabinet is made Come out? What specific skills are needed? Let me share knowledge with you in four major processes. Solid wood bathroom cabinet This is the carving process The step: is drawing. Attach the prepared paper film to the solid wood board to be carved, and then draw the flower-shaped pattern of the paper film on the solid wood board. The second step: roughing. Every detail is meticulously carved, a centimeter in width has a depth of one centimeter. The third step: repair flowers. Based on retaining traditional cultural elements, it is more in line with the high taste of the modern elite. Step 4: Scraping. Smooth the burrs on the edges of the pattern. Step 5: Polish. Finally, the carved template is polished. Followed by the woodworking process The step: is cutting. Cut raw materials to standard lengths and lengths as required. Step 2: Trim. Trim raw materials with irregular edges and line angles into angled specifications. The third step: is planning. Plan the flattened boards to make the surface smooth. Step 4: Bend material saw. Bending saws and making shapes make the blocks have certain curves and specifications. Step 5: Planning. The irregular materials are processed into standard products, and the thickness of the raw materials is specified so that the angle standards are consistent. Step 6: Gong machine: take the mold as the prototype and cut with the cutter to form more complete and smooth lines, which define the shape of the product. Step 7: Tenoning machine. Give the blocks a unique quasi-head structure to create a classic effect, so that the blocks are more closely connected. Step 8: Planer. Manually planing and polishing through gauze makes the wood block feel more smooth and the surface is smoother. Step 9: Planing the platform. By rotating the gauze, the weight of the iron roof is used to make the surface of the board flat and non-thorny. Step 10: Assembly. Assemble the product parts made by each program. Step 11: Wooden mill. Grind the burrs on the surface of the wood, fill up after digging out small pits or black scars, and smooth them. Through rigorous inspection of the whole and details of the semi-finished product to determine whether the next workmanship acceptance is qualified, it can be sent to the paint room.

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