Water in the domestic bathroom market is too deep


I often hear people in the circle sigh: The water in the sanitary ware industry is too deep! Indeed, sanitary ware companies are far from doing as well as many people imagine. Not to mention that the international brand has been dissatisfied for many years. Its proportion of the overall market share is very small. Take a look at domestic sanitary ware companies, whether it is a real estate brand in front of a store and a factory behind, a regional brand that dominates a party, whether it is a home appliance company that cross-borders sanitary ware, or a professional national brand, "every family has a hard-to-read experience", Some are not making money, some are not big. What is the reason for this? The answer is definitely that the benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.
Sanitary wares are integrated products, customized products, and engineering projects. This determines that the service support system of sanitary ware enterprises is much more complicated than traditional industries. For traditional industries, the sales process after the user signs and pays is called after-sales. You just buy a piece of clothing and take it home. Buying a TV set plus a transport link is very simple. Sanitary ware is just the opposite. After signing the contract, there is a complete production, logistics, and installation process. This process is prone to errors and requires manpower and material guarantees. It is a very critical part of the entire order implementation process.
Distributors need installation teams, logistics, and warehousing conditions. Manufacturers need product quality control, delivery time assurance, user information, and complaint capabilities, which to the importance of the entire service support system being different from traditional industries. language. However, the status quo is that sanitary ware manufacturers, including many brands of sanitary ware, simply “do not care” for the end-consumer management, so that the user satisfaction rate of sanitary products is far lower than that of traditional industries. Of course, there are many reasons for this. The user wants the merchant to complete a part of the kitchen decoration project and has relatively strict requirements on the design, installation, and delivery.
The order management of sanitary ware companies is very complicated. There is a long process from the introduction of products by distributors, the designer's measurement of the room, the re-measurement, and the order confirmation; from the headquarters receiving orders, reviewing orders, disassembling orders, to product purchasing and installation information feedback, there is a long process. Every link is prone to errors or delays, so the order accuracy rate is a very important management indicator in the sanitary ware industry. Some large enterprises in the sanitary ware industry have even separated order management from sales management and become a separate system, which shows how important order management is! Order management requires the help of information systems or a large amount of manual support, which is for many companies It is an insurmountable obstacle.
We know that the marketing of traditional products generally has sales management systems (sales management, channel management, order management), marketing systems (market research, promotional activities, new product launches, brand promotion), service support systems, and product development systems. These sanitary ware companies all need these systems, but their connotations are very different.
The product development system is also different. The development of traditional products emphasizes the function, cost, and price of the product, while the development of sanitary products focuses on the appearance, style, style, and culture of the product. In addition, the concept of integration is prominent in terms of function. For teams accustomed to the traditional industry development process or modular division of labor, bathroom development is really difficult to understand.
The sanitary ware store is an integrated experience store, and its location, size, and decoration image are the keys to the success or failure of the operation, which is very different from the traditional industry. The display design is not only part of the store, sanitary products and corporate culture occupy a very important content, and the pattern of sanitary shopping malls is diverse, it is difficult to rely on general decoration companies to do the display design of the terminal store, let alone do it like the home appliance and clothing industry. A set of store image standards can be followed by dealers. Brand bathroom companies need to have the ability to support the display and design of "giant" multi-stores.
Sanitary ware is a new industry, and its employees are newbies, but the core direct sales, design, installation, etc. of the industry are all highly professional positions. The personnel in these positions can only be trained by the company itself, which requires the sanitary brand companies to have strong training support capabilities.
It requires companies to have sufficient capital, talents, bosses, or decision-makers to have a full understanding and insight into the industry, and this is very difficult to achieve. Grass-rooted sanitary ware brands are often struggling in terms of capital and talent; home appliances cross-border sanitary ware and few corporate decision makers have sufficient knowledge of the sanitary ware industry, and home appliance marketing is all in their heads. This is the fundamental reason why sanitary ware companies are not doing well and not doing big.

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